A hydrovac is a type of equipment that relies on high water pressure to cut in and liquefy soil while vacuuming in high volume in order to excavate it, as Vector Technologies explains in their video, “Hydrovac 101: What is It, Benefits, and Applications.” Soil and freshwater from the excavation are both contained in a mounted truck unit. Hydrovacs are mainly used for daylighting, a process that is used to dig and locate underground materials.
It is also used to trench soil, which entails the digging of narrow trenches that are used in excavating a piling hole. A piling hole is where holes are dug in different diameters and depths and are used to lay up pilings. Hydrovacs are also useful in the removal of debris and during digging in cold weather conditions.
Using a hydrovac has several advantages. The one that tops them all is that it provides safety when an excavation is taking place. It can be used to dig around an excavation site without having to risk damage to infrastructure or harm to workers. Another advantage of hydrovacs is that it offers high precision compared to when manpower is used. Hydrovacs also help to conserve the environment, since the dirt that is excavated is stored in tanks, therefore it keeps the work site clean.