At some point, every parent has difficulty balancing their family, career and other responsibilities, and will likely begin wondering how to find a good daycare. While some parents may shudder at the idea of leaving their child with a stranger, this question is a perfectly legitimate one for many people. While leaving your children with someone outside of your immediate family can be a difficult decision, childcare options for working parents are typically a vital solution when it comes to juggling your various responsibilities. But whether you have hired traditional day care providers or are fortunate enough to work for employers with onsite childcare, choosing childcare options that work for your family is extremely important. This is especially true in a world where a significant number of children suffer serious injuries, or even death, at daycare centers.
One of the most recent cases to capture the attention of the media is that of Louis Oliver, an 11-month-old boy who died in 2012. While Oliver’s mother reported that her son was alert and healthy when she dropped him off at a home day care, she received a worrying text from the center’s owner a few hours later, telling her that Oliver had not woken up from his afternoon nap. The boy was rushed to a local hospital via ambulance, where he died within hours. An autopsy later revealed that the child has sustained head and spine trauma consistent with shaken baby syndrome. Now, after two years of investigations, the day care owner has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
The day care owner, James Nemeth, had a history of violence at the time of Oliver’s death, including allegations that he was abusive towards his own children. While opinions on corporeal punishment naturally vary, Nemeth’s behavior was obviously out of bounds, particularly for dealing with an 11-month-old child. While the childcare industry is full of kind, appropriate individuals in both home day care centers and corporate childcare centers, this rightfully will make you question how to find a good daycare for your children. Investigate carefully, talk to people in your community, and make sure you are close by even once your child is settled into a day care center: as with most things, caution may be your best friend. More like this blog.