The benefits of a private middle school are exponential. Possibly the most important is the fact that the arts are truly valued in these institutions. Having your child take the humanities can benefit him and make him a well rounded citizen coming out of school. After all, that’s why many liberal arts colleges include humanities as mandatory classes. Why not middle schools too? If you need further convincing, here are some examples of why arts classes in private middle schools are so important.
- Develop Motor Skills
The first idea is that the motor skills of your child will be enhanced if art classes are included. This can be seen in just the motions used in arts classes alone. Form the painting to sketching, motion and motor skills are a constant part of being creative. The same could be said for hand-eye coordination. Your child will want to create something from his imagination and then he’ll try to use the paintbrush to form it into reality. Sometimes this will work and sometimes it won’t. That said, your child will learn on the go and will not only coordinate between his mind, eye, and hand, but he’ll also learn about patience and practice. - Attention to Visuals
In our ever growing digital world, we are finding ourselves becoming more attached to visuals. After all, most of the virtual data we connect is of visual stimulus. We connect ourselves to that instead of more physical substances. For instance, we read the news online now instead of from newspapers.
With that in mind, arts classes are becoming ever more important. An education in art can teach children about how to analyze and consume visual information. Such an education is near replaceable in our modern times. We need this kind of education that private middle schools can provide our children. This is just one of the many different benefits of private schools and their focus on the humanities. - Language Skills
It’s been known for years that art can help one learn languages. Look at all of the educational videos that babies and toddlers watch. These programs teach language through songs, colors, and shapes. Adding to that, the world of art has a language all its own and children who take these classes can get a leg up on this terminology and world before anyone else. - Inventiveness
Creativity encourages individuality. A child is given the chance to express himself and discover a piece of who he is. This is a lesson that most people don’t learn till they are college aged and some don’t ever learn it at all. Giving children the chance to be individuals gives them a chance to think differently than others. They become problem solvers and learn how to think up new and exciting things. - Decision Making
Going along with that, art gives children the opportunity to explore new thought and then act upon it. Having these new creative thoughts means that the students can now grow, think, and engage themselves in the world in new and exciting ways. They can become decision makers who are based in thinking critically about the world around them. They know who they are and they can see their world enough to reflect it in their artwork. It’s only one tiny step further to change the world based on the way they see and how they want to see it. - Academic Excellence
All of this is to say that giving a child and art education is the key to shooting her further into academic excellence. American for the Arts stated that students who commit annually three hours for three days a week to the humanities are four times more likely to be academic achievers. That means, those who practice the arts regularly are included to work better in their other classes too.
With that in mind, it’s best to admit that private middle schools do a lot for students. One of the best things that they do is that they offer a great education. One aspect of that education is that the student is given arts classes to further his or her mind and to become the human embodiment of academic excellence.