There is a strong misconception that recovery for individuals who suffer from mental illness or addiction is unattainable. This is purely a falsehood. Recovery is indeed possible, through peer support mental health, recovery coaching, and addiction counseling.
Peer support mental health can be defined as acquiring better mental health by getting help for an addiction or a mental illness from a peer specialist. A peer specialist is specifically trained to work with and support individuals suffering or recovering from a mental illness or an addiction. Please note that the peer specialist has also suffered from a mental illness or an addiction. However, he or she has made enough progress in their recovery that they are able to use their personal experiences, as well as training to help others.
As far as peer specialist training is concerned, recovery is the main focal point. A typical training program is seventy five hours and lasts two weeks. During the training, the following topics are explained and discussed: active listening, cultural competency, appropriate self disclosure, goal setting, and inspiring others by sharing personal recovery stories.
Furthermore, recovery coaching is both similar to and different from peer support mental health. Like peer support mental health, recovery coaching is a way to improve ones mental health that does not involve diagnosing addiction and mental illness or offering treatment. It only offers support. Recovery coaching differs from peer support in that it does not emphasize the past when providing support to individuals with addictions or who are in recovery. Recovery coaching specifically emphasizes the present and the future. Recovery coach certification can be obtained by completing an eight week online course that covers coaching application, coaching communication skills, tools and assessements, and buddy coaching. At the end of the program, the partipating individuals will be certified addiction recovery coaches, as well as certified professional coaches.
Lastly, addiction counseling can also help with the mental health of individuals recovering from mental illness and or addiction. Addiction counselors are liscensed. They receive their licenses by completing addiction courses, such as pharmacology, treatment issues, ethics, prevention, and clinical supervision. In addition, they are required to complete substance abuse training. The following topics are covered in the training: addiction and violence, adolescent substance abuse, anger management, brain chemistry, co occurring disorders, and treatment planning.
An individual can recover from mental illness and addiction. All they have to do is ask for help.