There were groups of at least seven “clean” animals led onto Noah’s Ark. “Unclean” animals only came in a male and female pair. There was no mention of the number of wise men who visited Jesus in the original Gospel of St. Mathew. The original Nativity scene only included baby Jesus, a donkey, an ox, and hay and goes back to the 13th century. 37.5 percent of Christians live in the Americas, whereas .09 percent of Christians live in the middle east.
It is common for people to seek encouragement during difficult times and to reach out to different means to find the peace and healing that they are looking for. Some people may choose physical outlets such as yoga, hiking, swimming, running, dance, strength training, kick boxing, karate, and so on as they feel that it helps them feel good both physically and mentally. There are others who take a more spiritual path or make a combination of the two. Those who look to spirituality during times of need do so in many different ways and more some people finding faith in God is the answer.
While finding faith in God may be different for everyone there are many people who find help with the healing that they are looking for when finding faith in God. Sometimes people need emotional healing while others need physical and finding faith in God can sometimes help address both of those concerns. Often a void is filled when people begin their search in finding faith in God if they are susceptible and open to it.
There are many different ways that people go about finding faith in God. Some people as children may have been raised as faithful people but have perhaps lost touch of their spirituality and their faith in God. Others have yet to experience finding faith in God but are curious. Different methods and philosophies behind finding faith in God are available for different people to suit different needs.
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