As the fourth week of sheltering in place continues for your family, it is still difficult to admit that these new routines are normal. Your only child is suffering from the isolation of not being in the classroom with her teacher and classmates, in spite of the fact that you and your husband are trying your best to keep her entertained. She treasures the few minutes a day when she is online with her class, but becomes even more despondent when those sessions come to an end.
You have a lovely home, your daughter has her own room, plenty of books, toys, and even technology to occupy her. What she really misses, however, is the in person interaction with her classmates who have become some of her best friends. After years of reminding your daughter that technology does not replace people, she is now relying on that technology to for the only real interactions that she can have.
This weekend you are planning for a driveway party of sorts with two of her best friends, and supervised by the parents you have devised a way for the three young girls to at least spend an hour or two within shouting distance of each other. Everyone involved is excited for the new kind of play date, but in a city where the pandemic is really taking its toll, you still fear that you will be called out by your neighbors.
Few Things Can Replace In Person Social Interaction
Doing everything that they can to help flatten the curve, parents across America find themselves in the dual role of both teacher and parent. And while there are some parents who can master the math, reading, and Spanish curriculum for elementary school, it is becoming increasingly difficult to replace the in person interactions that are such a part of a typical school day.
Academics, of course, are important, but educators and parents alike are becoming even more aware of how important social interaction is as well. In a time when children are being immediately thrust into living a life that is more similar to that of their grandparents generation, more and more parents are finding it challenging to continue to find a balance between academics and social interaction. And while it is true that there are many studies that show that children, and even adults, can benefit from boredom, the sudden shift in schedules is difficult. Parents realize that teaching Spanish to elementary students may be manageable with the help of teachers and online resources, but it is impossible to replace the hours a week that their children were once able to spend with friends.
Focusing on the math, reading, or Spanish curriculum for elementary school is one of the ways that parents may be trying to control the anguish they feel this time of the year, but it is important to know realize that there are also many emotional aspects to home schooling that need to be addressed. First of all, of course, it is important to set limitations for when the Spanish curriculum for elementary school ends for the day. And whether the subject that you need to tackle for high school is foreign language or math, the educational experts are certainly finding that an at home school day should not last the same length of time of a traditional day in the classroom. Secondly, it is important as parents to find time to get outside with your child, especially if that child has no siblings. Learning, whether it is Spanish curriculum lessons for elementary or high school, is important, but parents have to help provide some ways for their students to enjoy some social interaction as well. In a strict shelter in place city, however, this can be a challenge.
Taking a break from your own work and joining, or maybe even challenging, your child in an outdoor physical activity session may be the most natural way to not only stimulate the brain, but the body as well.
Beginning Spanish curriculum for elementary school may be manageable, but finding a way to create social opportunities for children is even more of a challenge.