Going off to college is a very exciting time for any young man or woman. Leaving one’s parents and setting of on your own for the next great adventure. But aside from classes and keggers, college is also, fr most students, about leaving out from under mom and dad’s roof for the first time.
Many students choose to live in on-campus dorms. It’s the easiest transition, conveniently close to a dining hall, and conveniently close to their classes. However, getting an apartment has its advantages as well. You can have more space, more freedom, and fewer fire drills. It may be a drive to campus, but it’s good preparation for growing up and living on your own for the rest of your life.
However, finding an apartment can be a struggle for many students. It’s important to know what to look for in students housing, and make sure you find a place that you will be happy and comfortable in for the year to come. Fortunately, in college towns, where there will always be students looking for housing, there are also always apartments for college students to rent. However, there are also often people looking to take advantage of the naivete of college students out on their own for the first time, and lock them into a lease for a place that just isn’t livable.
It’s important to do your research when looking for students housing. There are likely lots of landlords renting off campus apartments, but it’s a good idea to do research on the area, and the landlord of any potential apartment. You might find out the person trying to rent you a place is a slumlord, and then you should move no further.
When actually looking at the apartment, it’s important to take in more than just face value. Sure, it may have cool colored walls and nice big windows, but does it have water damage? Are the windows drafty? Do the sinks drain? It might be a good idea to bring mom and dad with you to look at students housing, because they’ve been around the block a few times, and they know what things to check for.