As elementary, middle school, high school, and college classrooms across the country prepare to open to students across the country, it should come as no surprise that there is a continued emphasis on fields that involve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In fact, at one particular school district in the midwest the entire middle school platform is being altered. Moving from an eight period to a seven period day allowing for longer classes which will provide more in depth study, this change will also require that every teacher now also teach a STEM class, even if they are outside of those traditional math and science departments.
As more and more districts address the nation’s need for an increased number of technologically prepared individuals, it only makes sense that there will be even more attention paid to science lectures, history courses that focus on the role technology played in the nation’s history, and even literature lectures that make connections between science and art.
Educators Continue to Look for Ways to Improve Classroom Experiences
As teachers and professors at all levels work to prepare math, language, philosophy, and science lectures, there are many industries that hope a focus on STEM topics will draw people into these fields. By creating engaging and though provoking science experiments for kids, for instance, teachers can plant a seed for a future career in science. Navigating a difficult balance that requires teachers to address science related topics, while at the same time keeping students engaged in history and English courses, classrooms across the country continue to seek the trends that will make American workers more employable and valuable in the future.
The latest research continues to show that there are few things more important than encouraging students to become lifelong learners. To show how this trend continues to advance the needs of both individuals and the country, consider the fact that as many as 74% of American adults are consider themselves personal learners, according to a Pew Research Center survey. This means that these individuals have participated in at least one activity in the past 12 months to advance their knowledge about something that interests them.
In a time in history where we know that some of the most important jobs of the future are not yet even known, it is important that private and public schools and universities alike all strive to create learners who want to stay engaged their entire lives.
Between the years 2017 and 2027, research indicates that the number of STEM jobs is projected grow as much as 13%. Fortunately, out of 100 identified STEM occupations, 93% of of these jobs have wages above the national average. As parents, students, teachers, and administrators will continue to focus on science lectures and other STEM related topics.