Have you thought of creative ways to keep your hooks and gear that is small in place when fishing or hunting? There are different types of pockets, bags, and other gear to keep your hooks where they belong. However, like in the video, have you thought about magnets?
This is neatly made and it’s a small gadget that can be stored with the keys. It is possible to keep hooks where they belong when fishing. Although this neat gadget has other uses, it is highly useful for fly-fishing, hunting, and alike.
It is small but strong. Also, this is a high-quality gadget that can stay put while you are on the go.
If you’re into staying in shape, this may be useful when you are out on the run or in the gym. Yet, most of all, these magnets have the ability to stay aligned almost wherever you put them.
Unique Concept
If you’re ever out fishing and waste more time than needed looking for hooks and small parts, then this marine-puck should have you back to what you do best in no time.
You can easily attach it to your shirt, vest, and almost anywhere else you put it. This is a neat concept because this marine-puck can be stored easily and is one of the most unique marine-pucks available on the market today.